Simplified Connections Radio for 997 & 987

As we all know, theses cars do not have a traditional accessory or illumination wire in the radio harness. So installing aftermarket gear comes with some extra hassle. 

Here are a few locations and tricks for easily obtaining some circuits that you might need if adding a radio, and, or backup camera.

Grab E-Brake, Accessory, & Illumination Behind the Console.

On the right hand side of the console there is a black connector that supplies many of the circuits further down in the console.

This connector is mounted to a steel bracket and does not have much slack in it, so access is net to none. The trick is to rotate the plug counter clockwise and remove from the bracket. Then disconnect the plug and pass the upper portion to the left side of the console.

Now you have room to work!


The accessory wire is an Orange wire with two insulating jackets on it. This wire is a true "Key-In" accessory. That means that your radio will power up as soon as the key is inserted into the lock cylinder, just like the factory radio. !Caution! This is a low current circuit that is not designed to drive extra accessories. For this reason when we install radios in these vehicles we always add a relay to this circuit, so that there is no extra load on this circuit. Our pre-wired HUR kits all come with a relay that has been wired into the harness just for this reason. Also, make sure that you put a fuse holder here. 2 amps is more than enough.